About Me

Photo By: Paula Barron Photography
Small (Fun-Size), but Mighty!
I’m 5’1 (5’2” on a good day) and what I lack in stature, I make up with FUN! I joke that “I scream fun!” While I’m sure many would argue with this truth, I’m convinced that while I can’t change the entire world (I mean really, I’m not Ghandi or Oprah), I can certainly make those around me feel just a little bit better…shine a little bit brighter…one small act at a time. And if I’m lucky, maybe a little ripple of goodness can continue on.
An admitted recovering perfectionist and control freak, this previously “black and white” girl currently tries to live her life a little more in the gray (the gray is where most of the good stuff happens ;). A 30-year marriage and having raised two grown kidlets teaches you about what matters most and what really doesn’t matter at all.
My enthusiasm for life and “young at heart” attitude makes me feel like I’m maybe in my late 20’s/early 30’s, but my hands and neck will surely give me away. I prefer to say I try to live life as child-like, but perhaps others would say it leans a little more towards child-ish. Could be. But I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with trying to bring out some of that childhood wonderment that many of us have lost along the way. To bring out the FUN.
What do I love?
My family. My friends. Good neighbors. Chocolate Malted Crunch ice cream. I love where I live in Southern California. The beach is my happy place and watching a sunset to the sound of crashing ocean waves can center me like nothing else. Put me by water, on water or in water…and I’m a happy girl.
I love a good bike ride with my hubbie. I love cozying up with a good book and then excitedly lending it to another avid reader. Animals. All kinds. I still miss my schnoodle, Max, daily who was just pure love. I love to travel and explore and meet new people from different cultures (my travel bucket list is overflowing). A good concert, even better when it’s held outdoors. And I’m a great audience for a good comedian
I love the art of the hand-written note. I love when a stranger holds the door for me, or for anybody really. I love when the waiter calls me Miss instead of Ma’am. I love finding money in the pocket of a jacket I haven’t worn in awhile—even if it’s just a buck! I love watching someone open a gift you just know they’re gonna dig. A fire in the fireplace on a rainy day. Catching up with old friends. Leaving church with a renewed sense of faith and purpose. Candlelight. Flannel PJ’s. Christmas…and Hallmark (they sort of go hand-in-hand). Gathering those I love together for a day or a dinner and making them feel special…
And now, sharing about how I gather those I love and make them feel special…with all of you~