How to Make Tea Towel Favors…or Napkins…or Gifts!

Great for hostess gifts, favors, gifts for neighbors & co-works & MORE!

‘Tis the season to start thinking about what you want to do for gifts for the holidays.  These tea towels are fantastic as they are relatively simple to do, easy on the pocketbook AND can be used for so many things.  I made them in bulk and used them for napkins, favors, hostess gifts, gifts for co-workers and neighbors, too!

Bonus: You can change up the wording and/or paint color and make them for any holiday or occasion.  Talk about a versatile tea towel. So, let’s get to it 🙂

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Here’s my my Step-by- Step Guide on how to make them:
Some of the supplies used.
Tea Towel Materials Needed:

I knew I would be making these for lots of gift giving, so I bought a lot and made them in bulk, essentially an “assembly line” or in the spirit of the holidays…Santa’s Workshop ;).  I put on a little Hallmark Christmas movie to get in the spirit, and away I went.

By the way…for any of you Hallmark Christmas Movie fans, I have a FABULOUSLY FUN Party for you to throw.  This is my 9th year hosting one…think PJ’s, yummy food & Hallmark Movie BingoTo find out more about it, click HERE!

Here was my process:

  1. Wash, dry and lightly iron the tea towels.   This is important so they are preshrunk and the light iron will make them look much more finished.
  2. Cut cardboard into small squares.  You just need it large enough to go under the first layer of your tea towel so the paint doesn’t soak through.
  3. Once you decide where you would like your word (lettering) to be located, put a piece of painters tape down.  This will help guide your lettering so it stays even.  (I actually liked that it wasn’t “perfect”.  It gave them each character and they certainly knew it was handmade.)
Cut piece of cardboard.
Cardboard piece goes under top layer of Tea Towel so paint doesn't seep through.
Add painters tape to help guide line up of letters.

4. Using your foam brush, apply paint to individual letters.  A little dab will do ya, otherwise it will be difficult to make out the letter.  (I highly recommend doing some practice stamping on some paper to get the feel of it prior to stamping your tea towel.)  You may need to wipe a little paint off the stamp so having a paper towel handy will be helpful.

5. Stamp tea towel with desired letters or design.

6.  Once you have completed stamping, remove the blue tape but KEEP THE CARDBOARD until the paint is completely dry to avoid paint soaking into the other layers of the tea towel.

7.  Once paint is completely dry, remove cardboard from tea towel.

8.  Per fabric paint instructions, I then put a layer of fabric (I just used another tea towel) and ironed my design.  This made my tea towels washing machine friendly.  and VOILA!

Using foam brush, apply paint to stamp.
Use the tape to guide where you stamp.
Leave cardboard in place until paint has completely dried.

As I used many of the tea towels as napkins, I set those aside.  I made sure I had a variety of the holiday words to use for each place setting.  To use the tea towels for favors, hostess gifts and co-workers I wrapped them up individually.

Materials to Wrap as Gifts:

*For a free download of my gift tags’ design, subscribe to below!
Tea towels used as napkins.
Favors, Hostess Gifts, Neighbor & Co-Worker Gifts, too! So VERSATILE!
These were so well-received as gifts and looked amazing on the dining room table, too!  


To see how to make this decorative Christmas table design, click here!

Would love to hear if you take on this project, especially how you change it up for your own special design.

For MORE GREAT GIFT IDEAS this Christmas, check out my Christmas Gift Ideas post HERE!

Until next time, wishing you a lovely holiday season full of as much fa-la-la as possible!  Blessings to you and yours~  

Christmas Tea Towels Display
Photo by: Jon Tyson - Unsplash

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2 thoughts on “How to Make Tea Towel Favors…or Napkins…or Gifts!”

    1. Absolutely! Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it and these little gifts would be perfect. Let me know if you give it a “go”! 🙂

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