40 in 40

40 Random Acts of Kindness in 40 days

“How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time.” – Morgan Freeman

I have always believed in the power of kindness and being of service to others. The notion that in the process of giving to others, we receive so much more is something I’ve experienced first-hand. And more, imagine if one simple act of kindness was paid forward, sprinkling light and love to others in unexpected ways. 40 Acts in 40 Days…a perfect place to start!
Having been raised Catholic (uniformed plaid skirts, Peter Pan collared blouses and all), Lent was a big deal. If you’re unfamiliar, Lent is the Christian season of spiritual preparation for Easter. Beginning with Ash Wednesday, Lent is the 40-day period before Easter (technically 46, as Sundays aren’t included) and is a time of reflection through prayer, fasting and charity.
The biggest question is always, “What are you giving up for Lent?” As a kid, candy was always a biggie. My friend was more creative and specified chocolate therefore not having to give up all sweets. (Clever…not the point…but clever.) But the idea is typically giving up something you enjoy—be it coffee, social media or even alcohol—and use this as a way to foster self-control and remind us of Jesus’ sacrifice.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
This was something I practiced or at least tried to practice, but if I’m honest Lent never really resonated for me. Until, I read something that caught my eye:
“Don’t just give up chocolate for Lent. Make it your best Lent ever.” – Matthew Kelly
And so, eight years ago I decided to celebrate the season differently, and devoted myself to accomplishing 40 Random Acts of Kindness in 40 days…and I’ve never looked back.
I have had a blast getting creative over the years, though they all don’t have to be grand gestures. The beauty in kindness is that it truly can take so little effort to be kind. And if you think about how it feels when someone does something as simple as holding a door for you or allowing you to merge over to the next lane on the freeway when no one will let you over…there are simple yet easy and lovely ways to spread kindness.
During Lent, I keep a daily journal and list three things I am grateful for and list any random acts of kindness I was able to accomplish that day. It’s a terrific way to reflect and end the day— with an “attitude of gratitude” and to remember in what small way I have sprinkled some happiness into the world. Here are some of the ways I’ve come up with to spread light and love one small random act of kindness at a time…40 in 40!
Photo by Kevin Butz on Unsplash
  1. Picked up neighbors’ morning newspapers and left them at their front door.
  2. Sent hand-written notes to friends I haven’t seen in awhile just letting them know how much they mean to me.
  3. Made blessing bags for the homeless and handed them out if I saw someone in need
  4. Went through my bookshelves and donated books to the local library.
  5. Gathered shopping carts in the parking lot and put them away.
6. Donated to a Funeral Fund to some kids fundraising on the street corner.
7. Cooked a meal and took it over to a friend who was undergoing cancer treatment.
8. Sent out texts to friends wishing them a great day
9. Made “Busy Bags” full of fun activities and treats & delivered to local children’s hospital.
9. Donated old towels, dog toys and food to local animal shelter.

16 thoughts on “40 in 40”

  1. I love it!! thanks for sharing so many great acts of kindness ideas of which have inspired me to sprinkle little bits of my own as well!! Em❤️

  2. So many great and creative ways to do something kind Shelley. I’ve already committed myself to a couple of them! Thanks for putting your list out there.

    1. Oh, so glad to hear the ripple effect will be out into the world spreading kindness! Thank you for sharing~

  3. Awesome fun being kind! Love the idea and actual kindness you’ve shared. Makes me wonder what kindness would could do.
    Good examples to inspire.

  4. Some of those acts of kindness are creative in ways I never would have thought up myself. Thank you for the inspiration, your speciality.

  5. What a wonderful idea. Bringing sunshine sprinkles to our parish community and beyond. You are a very beautiful person (inside and out)!! Honored to have you as my sister in Christ! Thank you for sharing!!❤️❤️

  6. Hey Fun-Size! Thank you for the joy you share with those of us lucky enough to be near you on a regular basis. We appreciate you! Love the idea of 40 acts of kindness (and not giving up sweets) 😎❤️

    1. Awww…thank you! Hope you tackled a few “Acts” on your own. You’re a ray of light and I appreciate your kindness~

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